I guess I have never really told much about Lucky. She's a Texas Rat Snake. She was my second snake, and I got her from a couple of high school boys who didn't want her anymore. Since rat snakes are one of my favorite types of snakes, of course I wanted to keep her. She is about 5.5 feet long now. When I first got her a few years ago she was about 3 feet long. I think she is a pretty snake. She is also my best snake to take to reptile classes. She does not mind being looked at and touched by all the students. She is my hungriest snake. I don't think she likes being fed only once a week, and she seems to be hungry even when she is obviously full! This might just be an instinct, though. I think if she had a chance she would eat until she couldn't eat anymore.
A funny story...one time she got out of her cage. I only had two latches to keep the lid down and she squeezed out. When I went to check on my reptiles one morning, I found out that she wasn't there! I looked all over and even got Brian to help me. Finally we found her in Brian's closet. She was curled up in the corner taking a nap. She is my only snake to escape, and I hope it never happens again!
I understand that some of you reading this may be a little freaked out by a snake loose in your house. I was only worried because she is a special friend and I didn't want to lose her.... if your dog or cat ran away, how would you feel?
This is the only picture that I have of Lucky right now. Other pictures of her were taken before I got my digital camera and I don't want to take the time to scan them. This is not the best picture of her because you can only see part of her body in her cage. Also she was going to shed soon so her skin looks darker and drier than usual. I will try to get a good picture of her and post it soon.