I talked earlier about Isabella's skin, toes and tail. I think by looking at the picture of Isabella's leg, you can see how her skin looks "baggy" and kind of hangs off of her bones. This is because at one time her tissues were excessively filled with fluid as a compensation for weak bones.
The other picture shows her toes. It doesn't really show how they are bent but you can see they are abnormal. Also the claws are very long and basically useless for climbing. In the same picture you can see the spines on her back and how they are broken and bent.
The last picture shows her tail. The portion on the left is the part that has grown back. It is just dark brown. The right side shows her tail before the break point. You can see it actually has bands of orange and brown with short spines along the top. Buddy has a tail that was broken before, too. So his tail looks similar to this.
Yes, I can clip the nails. I have done that in the past for Buddy. I also tried that when I first got her. It's hard because their nails are black so I cannot see the quick. Also hers are probably so long I would have to cut the quick and I just don't want to do anything like that. With her reptilian brain I don't think she'd ever get over it!
Well, there are reptile vets. I think to clip Isabella's nails she would probably have to be knocked out. (This is what they do for dogs with the same problem.)When I have clipped the iguanas nails before, it was pretty simple. I just snipped the ends off with cat claw scissors on a few toes at a time. But I've gotten out of this practice even though I should do it. As far as for Isabella, I haven't looked into finding a vet to clip her nails. For this I am probably a bad reptile owner.
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