Saturday, April 08, 2006

Why is it...? Part 2

Wow! All the snake stories I hear! Right now I'm on a kick about people being ridiculous about snakes.

Why is it that when I am at someone's house or some other event with people, they found out I like snakes, and they just feel compelled to tell me their snake stories?

For example, I was hanging out with some friends. One friend asks me how my snakes are doing. An innocent question. I answer that they are fine. Well, here they come! First, my friend has to tell a story about an encounter with a snake. Of course, the story ends with a shovel and a snake in several pieces. Then another friend has to tell me about the zig-zag lines mowed in the yard and the snake that didn't get away but became fertilizer. Well, then that leads to the story about the snake that was in the road. He had to run it over because it was a "big 'un". Then he had to back up, run over it again, back up, run over it again...and you get the picture. One story leads to another and everyone has a snake story to share.

As I listen, my stomach is turning, and I can just feel the acid rising in my throat. These people are sick. Don't they understand that I like snakes?! But they think that are sharing something important with me. Oh, and it's so hilarious too! (Read that last sentence with lots of sarcasm, please!) By the time they are finished telling their stories, their faces are glowing red with tears running down their cheeks!

And how many times have I heard these stories? Seems like I've heard them from the same people at least ten times. But then I have to count all of the other stories that sound just the same but from other people. It's not just my friends who feel compelled to tell me these stories. It's people I meet anywhere. I go to a party for Brian's workplace...The stories are there. I teach classes about snakes...the stories are there, too. Everyone wants their turn to tell me their snake story.

I just don't know how to explain my feelings to someone who doesn't feel the same way that I do about snakes. Well, maybe I can explain, but I am not very convincing. People just don't get it.
So all I do is sit there with a fake smile on my face, nodding my head. I let the words go in one ear then out the other, and I feel my eyes glaze over. As soon as possible I change the subject. If this is not possible very soon, then I feel like I am a prisoner of war. I must take this time of torture for the good of the cause!

I don't blame you if you are reading this and you are thinking that I am the crazy one. All I ask is that you try to have empathy for these snakes and their situation. Just put yourself in their scales and slither around for a bit, then see how you would feel :(

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